Welcome to Westminster

We are a small church; one of those places where everyone knows your name. Though we may never
compete in size with the larger places of worship in this community, we certainly would like to grow,
and would be honored to have you attend one of our services. We hope our church family is a
comfortable fit for you.

While we are a congregation, we are first and foremost, made up of individuals. We have never lost
sight of the fact that all of us have our own unique pasts, which makes us all “works in progress.” Our
joys, sorrows, regrets, successes, and failures have made each of us the people we are today. And
because of the respect of everyone’s own personal journeys, you will find in Westminster, a church that
does not judge.

So no matter your age, race, gender, sexual identity or wherever you may be on the economic scale, you
are valued and welcomed. We believe the more diverse we are, the better we become in our
understanding of human nature and spiritual growth.

As a church which started as a community outreach in 1957, we never have strayed from our roots and
have maintained that neighborhood feel. Come see for yourself. And as you visit, we hope you feel the
words of one of our founding church members – the late, and very much missed, Pete Alexander, when
he always would depart Sunday worship with a warm and sincere, “See you in church!”