

Involvement at Westminster is up to the individual. Some people come just for the Sunday service, while others join in more activities. It’s entirely up to your comfort level. Here are a few of the groups within Westminster that you might enjoy. Click to learn more about each group.

Writing for Wellbeing Bible Study Pastoral Care W.O.W Mission, Membership and Outreach Buildings and Finance Choir Education and Worship

Writing for Wellbeing

Widely known in our church as the writers group, it helps anyone interested in coming to terms with themselves and their experiences through writing. The group meets once a week and serves as both a source of self-discovery and a creative outlet to share your inner thoughts and past experiences. For anyone wanting to be more involved in church activities, many more opportunities at Westminster pop up each year.

Bible Study

This group meets once a week and focuses with interpretation and better understanding. No Biblical expertise is needed, just the desire for a clearer comprehension.

Pastoral Care

Giving care and supporting our church members suffering from an illness or loss are the focus of this committee. They also work in keeping the prayer line updated and organize meals to be taken to the homes of members with temporary special needs.


This is open to all women of the church. This group raises funds each year to support local charitable organizations. Funds are also used to supply paper goods for the church and to help cover expenses for receptions and the annual Christmas dinner.

Mission, Membership and Outreach

This is a committee with a variety of opportunities for people to get involved on a long-term or short-term basis. They plan happenings like the Pet Blessing, the Chili Cook-Off, the Fish Fry, and other fun events. In addition, the committee considers many requests from charitable organizations and works on choosing those groups in most need of the money allotted in the church budget for support. Twice a year, volunteers are also welcomed to help deliver “Meals on Wheels.”

Buildings and Finance

This committee is responsible for the maintenance of the building and grounds and serves as liaison to non-member groups using the church building.


Do you like to sing? Or maybe music is a part of your past that you miss. The Westminster choir is always looking for new voices to add to their beautiful sound. If you are interested in our choir, we welcome you to sing with us.

Education and Worship

Sunday School curriculum selection, teacher recruitment, adult educational opportunities, along with preparation for weekly and special worship services are the foundation for this committee. They also offer occasional special seasonal activities as well as supporting the Bible Study group.